Saturday, November 10, 2007

Catch up in pictures

The weekend before Halloween R and I took the commuter train north and walked along the Old Croton Aqueduct Trail. We'd originally wanted to go look at pretty leaves, but thanks to Global Warming they had not changed yet. It was still a nice walk.

We walked the trail to the Old Dutch Church in Sleepy Hollow. That's right! Sleepy Hollow of Headless Horseman fame.
Here is the cemetery from which the Horseman rose. The covered bridge is now North Broadway though. Oh well. I was glad we were not there at night.

They really love the Headless Horseman there though. Here he is on the police cars. He is also the mascot of the high school and we saw an awesome realtor sign which had the Headless Horseman carrying a house instead of a pumpkin for a head. Ha! Anyway, it was a really nice day in the fresh air out of the city.

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