Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Reader's choice

First, I have been wanting a new header for a long time. I don't think it is totally right yet, but I will work on it. I am hoping to change the look of the blog a little, hopefully I won't wreck everything.

Second, I am not feeling blogging inspired lately. I have been doing a lot of writing for he dissertation, so I think that is where my dissertation energy goes. So here is my offer to you: tell me what to write about! Leave a comment telling me what you want to read about and I will pick at least 4 (if I get that many responses) to write on. Maybe I will pick more if this lack of inspiration continues!

edit: looks like I changed the whole template! Hope you like it.


Anonymous said...

I think you should write more about settling in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

I meant "settling in" in Chicago, not settling for Chicago or anything.

Albatross said...

I second Ellen suggestion. Also, how about finishing writing from a distance? Or how you are adjusting to writing in a whole new place. I bet any routine you had for writing is gone so how do you find a new one?
Love the header pic!

Topher said...

You should write a summary of a new reality show called "Laurie & Topher present: So You Think You Can Science".

girl_in_greenwood said...

I'd like to know what your post-diss plans are: how will you celebrate? what do you plan to do with your shiny new degree? do you have any big goals that you've been postponing until after you finish?

Melinda said...

Oooooohhh... you should write about what a comment-ho you are!

Or about frozen treats -- rank them or identify which makes them individually delicious. Like, slurpees vs. icees vs. DQ Mister Mistees vs homemade smoothies.

Or about what it's like being married to the Finest Man Alive.

Or about Raj Bhavsar.

Anonymous said...

How bout the Olympics, and why they bother to televise water polo when you can't even tell where the dang ball is at what with all the splashing...

Field Notes said...

Since I only recycle others good ideas anyway, I'd say finishing writing from a distance is a good subject for a serious post and water polo is perfect fodder for a fun one =D

Matt said...

I want to read about the romancing of the Rick.

Laura said...

Maybe you could challenge yourself to take a photo a week and post it. Then we could share your exploration of Chicago?

Anonymous said...


What do you want to eat? Will you have a milkshake? What is new and fried?