Tuesday, May 13, 2008

my one problem with Mother's Day

I was thinking about this post before, but didn't want to be a curmudgeon on the actual Mother's Day. This post by StyleyGeek inspired me, though.

Here is my problem with Mother's Day. People seeing me, noting I am a woman, asking if I have kids, me saying I don't and them say "Happy future Mother's Day then!" ??? There are a lot of big assumptions here. I am a female and therefore automatically going to be a mom? What if I have decided not to? What if I were struggling with infertility? It just seems a big can of worms to get into and basically nobody's business. This has happened enough to me the last few years that I actually thought twice about going out somewhere on Sunday because it annoys me so much. How about wishing Happy Mother's Day to people you know are mothers and leaving the rest of us alone?


Cath@VWXYNot? said...

Wow - that's never happened to me! I can't believe that multiple people could be so dumb (well meaning, of course, but dumb).

Anonymous said...

I'm in that in-between place right now--and I'm kinda shocked by how much "join the club" "now you're a real woman" crap I've been getting. I'm excited to be a mom and all--but geez, I haven't gotten this much propiganda about what it means to be female since the tampon companies handed out "educational" pamphlets in 6th grade...

Melinda said...

Ohhhh, just quit whining and have a baby already. And go fix me a turkey pot pie while you're at it.


I heart you and I agree.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, that's never happened to me either. And if it did, I would probably kick the person who said before having a heart attack.